Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tough times...

Darius Rucker's "It won't be like this for long" is now my theme song, bittersweet as it is. That song always brings tears to my eyes, but at times, a sigh of relief, lol! Having two kids now is such an adjustment, never a dull moment, never downtime. I always am saying that no one told me it would be this hard. Even if they had, I probably would have thought they were pansies. I now know first hand that this is not for the faint of heart. Thank God I had babies when I was young. We are learning more and more to go with the flow, but still find ourselves quite ill-equipped most days:) Parenting is the hardest, most wonderful thing ever! We will truly look back on this and miss it. I'm only 28, but now understand the concept of grandchildren being your reward, though I am NOT rushing that!!!

1 comment:

  1. you are doing such a great job...take it from one who knows...if they're not in jail, on americas most wanted, pregnant before 18 or a deadhead...youve done a good job...or lucky like me...hang in there babe...
