Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This city...

As I was driving to see a client yesterday in South Memphis (Kansas/South Parkway), I was really hit with such a deep burden in my heart for the impoverished and un-reached people of Memphis. I was listening to K-Love and ironically a familiar song came on, but at that moment it meant more than it ever has. I was singing along, "greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this CITY." I really feel that is true, and I was short of crying in the car as I was driving along. There is something greater out there, something bigger than the crime and racism we deal with daily...Jesus.

In reading my Bible study lesson, Herb Hodges states in his book about discipleship, "People with no vision will perish." Wow, how true that is. So many people can only focus on today, how to stay alive, how to feed their families for today...they are focused on today that they lack vision. They lack worldly vision on how to do better and want better, how to achieve better, but they also lack spiritual vision. These people are so lost, in all sense of the word. God loves them, as should we. Please pray for the church in Memphis to step up and minister to these people.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Again, back to edible things...Olivia and I planted a small greenhouse of tomato seeds. Kevin got the notion to put the carton in the front window sill to allow it to get more sunlight. Good idea, but he forgot to tell me:) He left for work, I go into the bathroom and come out to Kayla carrying one of the small pots and her mouth is covered with dirt. Not sure how much she ate, but hopefully not enough dirt ingested to help any tomato seeds grow inside her, lol! (Like when we were little and we were afraid to eat watermelon seeds...)

Nonetheless, I agree with being green for most things and have moved in that direction the past few years. Never so much do I advocate for it as now, having kids. Now we need organic potting soil so even when the kids eat dirt, it is pure, LOL!